Travel condition horse holiday 2023
Veiligheid: ruiters zijn verplicht tijdens de ritten een cap/helm te dragen.
Maximaal gewicht (inclusief rijkleding!) : 82kg & BMI (Body Mass Index ) <28,5 vb:60kg/1,70m/1,70m=BMI 20,76
Bij twijfel is controle door ons ter plaatse mogelijk dmv een weegmoment.
Leeftijd: >12jr (<16jr onder begeleiding van ouder)
Beheersen van stap / draf-lichtrijden & galop op een juiste manier zonder het paard te hinderen in zijn bewegingen. In ongelijk terrein betekend dit dat men in draf & galop de verlichte zit dient te beheersen.
Fysieke conditie
Bij twijfel / kwalen dient men te overleggen of het programma haalbaar is! Denk hierbij aan, recente operaties, protheses, rugproblemen, allergieën, astma, diabetes, epilepsie etc..
Reservation / payment:
On receipt of your completed and signed booking form, we will make a firm booking. We will send you a confirmation and an invoice for a deposit of 25% of the total amount . The balance must be paid at the latest 3 weeks prior to your arrival.
Travel insurance
Some insurance companies consider horse riding to be a high-risk sport. Don’t forget to mention your intention to ride to them to ensure you are fully insured during your stay.
If for any reason you have to cancel your reservation, we will levy the following cancellation charges on receipt of your written cancellation: Until 42 days before arrival date: 37,50 euro + the 10% pre payment
From 41 till 28 days before arrival date: 75 euro + the 25% prepayment
From 27 till 20 days before arrive date; 50% of the total price
From 19 till day of arrival: 75% of the total price
Cancellations by Pradis: We reserve the right to cancel the riders horse riding program, if he or she is a danger to himself, the other riders or his horse A reason can be: unsufficient riding skills or un respectfull riding towards the riders group or horse.
Safety: riders need to wear a helmet during the rides.
- APRIL lente aanbieding 2024 13 oktober 2023